Friday, May 13, 2005


I've been making this list for over a year. Some entries come from books, some from AOL message boards, some from blogs, some from the MSM. To put you in the proper frame of mind, I'll lead off with a quote from one of the Noise Machine whores.

Dinesh D’Souza: “The party of moral degeneracy…divorce, illegitimacy, adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, and pornography”

Don Sherwood (R-PA) - adultery
Neal Horsley – Bestiality (mule)
Don Sherwood (R- Penn) - adultery
Rev. Larry Allen Day – rape of a 15-year old girl
Paul Wolfowitz - adultery
Randall Terry - adultery
Chris Ruleman – possession of child pornography
Richard Dasen - prostitution, sexual abuse of a child
Jerry Falwell – defaults on bonds, leaving 2500 without retirement money
Rush Limbaugh – drug addict and pathological liar
Rev. Jerry Lee Pitts - sexual battery & abuse of 1 5 yr old female student
Jim Bakker – adultery
Jimmy Swaggart – adultery
Rev. Mike Hintz – sexual exploitation of a minor
Bob Dole - adultery
Coulter – “Let’s say I go out every night, I meet a guy have sex with him. Good for me. I’m not married.” Rivera Live
Helen Chenoweth (R – Idaho) – serial adultery
Sue Myrick (R- N.C.) - adultery
Henry Hyde – adultery
Bob Barr – adultery
Dan Burton – adultery
Bob Livingstone – adultery
Bob Packwood – sexual harassment
Steve Symms – (R- Idaho) – serial adultery
Newt Gingrich – adultery
Beverly Russell – (S. Carolina) – child molestation
Jim Bunn – (R – Oregon) – adultery
Jim Nussle – (R – Iowa) – adultery
Jim Longley – (R – Maine) – adultery
Enid Green – (R- Utah) – adultery
Joe Scarborough – (R- Florida) – adultery
Meredith Christensen ( Nebraska) – adultery
John McLaughlin – sexual harassment
George Will – adultery
Tim Hutchinson (R – Arkansas) – adultery
Sun Myung Moon – violence, adultery
Rudy Giuliani –adultery
George Roche III – adultery with his son’s wife
Earl Kimmerling – child molestation
Mike Trout – adultery
Mike Bowers – adultery
Richard Delgaudio - ( he brought us Paula Jones) – child pornography
Ken Calvert – arrested for engaging with a prostitute
Matt Glavin – homosexual indecent exposure
Deal Hudson – sexual harassment of a female student
Edward L. Schrock (R-Va.) – married but solicited sex from male homosexual
Al Regnery – left DOJ after porn discovered on his PC
Philip Giordano – sexual child abuse
Randal David Ankeney -- attempted sexual assault on a child
Robert Bauman – homosexual sex with a minor
John Hathaway – sex with a minor
Stephen White – soliciting a 14 year old boy
Jon Matthews – indecency with a child
Earl "Butch" Kimmerling – child molestation
Paul Ingram – incest
Andrew Buhr – sodomy with a 12 year old boy
Keith Westmoreland – indecency with minors
John Allen Burt – molesting a minor
Parker J. Bena – child pornography
Larry Jack Schwarz – child pornography
Robin Vanderwall – soliciting sex with minors of both sexes
Marty Glickman – unlawful sexual activity with a minor
Dan Crane – sex with a minor (a Congressional page)
Donald "Buz" Lukens -- sex with a minor

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