Saturday, May 14, 2005

Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) on filibusters

When you talk about optimism, I have to share a story about the recent visit. Senator Thune, Senator Inhofe, and I met with deputy Ambassador Salih, a Kurd. We met alone, with no staff, no press, no encouragement, total candor. We asked Mr. Salih, a Kurd in the minority—and even though the results of the election were not complete at the time we were there, we knew they would be in a minority. We asked:Don’t you fear that the Shiites, who will inevitably be in the majority, will overrun you? He said:Oh, no, we have a secret weapon. This is a Kurdish leader in the middle of Iraq in the 21st century who said he had a secret weapon. He said that secret weapon is one word: “Filibuster.” Then he proceeded to describe their study of American democracy and our Republic. If there were ever a reason for optimism about what this supplemental provides for the people of Iraq and their stability and security, it is one of their minority leaders proudly stating one of the pillars and principles of our Government as the way they would ensure that the majority never overran the minority. Following that meeting, we went and met with Dr. Al-Rubiae, a Shiite, obviously to be in the majority. We worried that since, for so many years, they had been the victims of the Sunnis—since they now would be in a majority, would there be a propensity to overrun the minority? So we asked:Dr. al-Rubiae, what will you do? Will the minority have a voice? He said:The American Constitution requires two-thirds vote to amend the Constitution. We will require two-thirds vote to adopt ours.The point is very clear. He, too, had studied Adams and Jefferson and our Founding Fathers. Knowing he would be in the majority, he recognized that the peace, strength, and stability in Iraq was predicated upon the majority not overrunning the minority. So when we question whether this supplemental provides any optimism for stability and security in Iraq, I submit those two absolutely accurate quotes of two gentlemen—one in the majority and one in the majority—those who will take part in writing the constitution. Who would have thought they would quote Jefferson or Adams or our Constitution 6 months ago, or a year ago, or 2 years ago? It is because of the men and women we have sent into harm’s way, the coalition forces, our commitment to freedom, and our present commitment to spreading democracy around the globe that today provides great optimism in Iraq.

Of course, Isakson thinks this doesn't apply to Bush's extremist judicial nominees:

And every judge nominated by this president or any president deserves and up or down vote on way or another. It is the responsibility of the Senate. It is the direction of the Constitution.

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