Thursday, June 02, 2005


Harper's has another great article on a serious threat to freedom in America:

Feeling the hate with the National Religious Broadcasters
Posted on Monday, May 30, 2005.
Originally from May 2005.
By Chris Hedges.

Again, I encourage you to read the whole article. Here are some excerpts...

Orange County, along with Colorado Springs, is a center of the new militant Christianity, and it is here, among friends, that the National Religious Broadcasters association—which brings together some 1,600 Christian radio and television broadcasters, who claim to reach up to 141 million listeners and viewers—is holding its annual convention.

I see anti-abortion booths and evidence of fringe groups such as Jews for Jesus and Accuracy in Media, one of whose representatives hands me a report with the title “American Troops Cheer Attacks on U.S. Media.”

In fact, this movement is a curious hybrid of fundamentalists, Pentecostals, Southern Baptists, conservative Catholics, Charismatics, and other evangelicals, all of whom are at war doctrinally but who nonetheless share a belief that America is destined to become a Christian nation, led by Christian men who are in turn directed by God.

Ryan, [Dobsons' son] with closely cropped blond hair and a drooping Fu Manchu mustache, exhorts the audience to find a cause “worth fighting for” and “worth dying for.” He says he has learned how to reach young people. He knows their culture. He talks about his passion for surfing and skateboarding. Then he says, “People keep saying we need to change the discussion on abortion before we can ban it. We don’t need to change the discussion. Like, 80 percent of the country is against abortion. What kind of a country fines people $25,000 for killing a bald eagle but doesn’t do anything when unborn babies get thrown in the trash?”

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