Wednesday, June 01, 2005


So why did Amnesty make such an insane (word choice deliberate) accusation? That is what is perplexing me. Why are some people, in this case an important human rights organization, incapable of rational discourse? The answers are depressing, I think, and lie at the intersection of psychoanalysis and greed. What America has tried to do in Afghanistan and Iraq provokes rage in many people because they feel their own personas threatened. At the same time, organizations like Amnesty believe their fund-raising goals are best achieved through making outrageous statements - a dangerous combination.

Posted by Roger L. Simon at 09:36 AM
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Yup, my "persona" is threatened because we've allowed Afghanistan to turn into a narco-state and because there are no WMD in Iraq.

Roger, you said "What America has tried to do in Afghanistan and Iraq provokes rage in many people because they feel their own personas threatened."

Something about that struck me as fundamentally right, but I'm not sure what. Can you say more what you meant about that?

Posted by: Jim Mc at June 1, 2005 10:46 AM

Don't worry Jim, Roger doesn't know either.

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