Wednesday, June 01, 2005


SEC Chairman
President Bush will appoint California Congressman Chris Cox to head the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Hopefully, Cox will use the new connections to eventually return home and win a Senate seat. -- Alexander K. McClurePosted at 11:02 pm Link to this post Comments

Nothing like a corporate whore to head the SEC.

What is truely amazing is the fact that the Viet Nam war was “OK”as long as the libs were in charge. Then came Nixon and all of a sudden the lib press and politicians didn’t even know how to say war. AND it was all Nixon’s fault. It has always been the same since WW II, libs get us in, start to lose, Republicans bail us out. That is a BIG reason why they want Iraq to fail. Republicans took us to war and lost. I can see the headlines and campaign ads now.
Comment by catnip Email 6/1/2005 - 9:43

Maybe this guy never heard of the chant "Hey, hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?" or is unfamiliar with the events surrounding the 1968 Democratic Convention.

Let’s also not forget that had Clinton not failed so miserably in his handling of Iraq and terrorism in general, we may not even have these problems today.
In a real sense, Bush is having to finish the war that started under Clinton…only problem was that under Clinton, only the terrorists were fighting that war at that time. Clinton unilaterally did not fight.
Comment by Another Thought 6/1/2005 -

And this is only the 3rd comment! Usually, the Clinton smears come later in the thread.

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