Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Cult members have an extemely adaptable belief system. No matter how inconvenient the facts are, they can be adjusted to without challenging the core beliefs of the system.
Last night, I was in a YAHOO political chat room and I was trying to spread the word about the Downing Street Memo. One person didn't find the memo site acceptable as evidence so I asked him if he would like a link to The London Times but that was a "leftie" paper and therefore unacceptable.

Normally that would be the end of the story but Fox News had an article about the memo, so I thought I'd give the guy one more try. This was his response:

bigsky: rad because its on fox doesnt mean its true fox is slideing to the left

I thought about asking him what he meant by "right" but then I recalled poster on an AOL message board:

This election proves that Liberalism is dead. Conservatives control now, and we are going to do things right. We are no longer going to support the disenfranchised, minorities, endangered species, worker's rights, the environment or any other liberal money pit. The natural resources are here to be exploited, that is what an industrialized nation does. You liberals have tied the hands of business in this country long enough. We are going to stop your environmental nonsense, your minimum wage stupidity, this pointless affirmative action movement. All these things that have lowered profits and increased corporate costs. We have our people in place now and we are going to keep them there. The war in Iraq will be won, and we will stand as the example to the world as what conservative policies can do. Iran and North Korea will realize they are no match for us. Mr. Bush will show the world our power. Americans no longer will be slaves to your liberal thinking.

Message 40 of 139 Subject 408 of 450
Subject: Re: Liberals Don't get it
Date: 11/4/04 4:55 PM US Mountain Standard Time
From: GOPisBEST9
MsgId: 547788:1181

Pretty scary.

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