Saturday, July 02, 2005


Backing for Bush on Iraq is gone, local veterans say
Published June 29, 2005
Michael Mayo

HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA · The televisions at VFW Post 2500 in Hollywood were tuned to President Bush on Tuesday, but his words weren't getting rapt attention.

"He's running scared," said Giblock, 63, a former Post 2500 member who lives in Anchorage, Ala. "His poll numbers are so low, he's got to say something, but the support is gone. It's gone. I don't think there's anybody in here who's behind him."

From Charlie Nessl, 89, who fought in World War II at the battle of Midway: "I don't think we should be there."From Bob Artman, 79, a World War II veteran: "I got a bad taste in my mouth. Every time I read about a guy getting killed, I tear up. I didn't feel this way at the beginning, but now I just don't see an end to it."

Howard Fay, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, ladled meatballs in the kitchen. "I don't like this war at all," he said. "Saddam wasn't doing anything to us. The one we should have been going after with everything is Osama bin Laden."

Said Anderson, who spent nine years in the Navy and Marines: "They just play up on the fear. It used to be the domino theory and stopping communism. There was a picture, The Russians Are Coming, The Russians are Coming. Now it's `The Terrorists are Coming, The Terrorists are Coming.' After 9-11, I think we overreacted a little bit. We're not using our heads."

"I have no respect for this president," said Bud Lynch of Hallandale, a Korean War veteran. "He's just trying to finish Daddy's job. That's all this was about. There was no nuclear [expletive] or WMDs to begin with ... If it were my son who was being sent over there, I wouldn't let him go."

Bush heard applause as he finished at Fort Bragg, but there wasn't a ripple at Post 2500.

1 comment:

Health News said...

Thank you for introducing me the wonderful information.And .....Totally boring.!