Thursday, September 29, 2005


William Buckingham is on the Dover Area School Board and was one of the promoters of ID in biology classes.

A local paper noted what he and his wife said at a board meeting:

At Monday evening’s Dover Area School Board meeting, William Buckingham apologized to anyone he may have offended with the comments he made at last week’s board meeting during discussions over a new biology book for the high school.
But then the school board member reiterated one of his statements to the roughly 90 in attendance that the separation of church and state is a myth.
“Nowhere in the Constitution does it call for a separation of church and state,” he said.

Buckingham said while growing up, his generation prayed and read from the Bible during school. Then he said liberals in “black robes” were taking away the rights of Christians.

“Two thousand years ago, someone died on a cross,” he said. “Can’t someone take a stand for him?”

But in reference to its teaching of Darwinism, he said, “I challenge you (the audience) to trace your roots to the monkey you came from.”

Also during public comments, Buckingham’s wife, Charlotte Buckingham, argued that evolution teaches nothing but lies. After quoting several verses from the book of Genesis in the Bible, she asked, “How can we allow anything else to be taught in our schools?”

During her time, she repeated gospel verses telling people how to become born-again Christians and said evolution was in direct violation of the teachings of the Bible.

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