Friday, September 30, 2005


Gen. Casey, the top commander in Iraq, said that the number of Iraqi battalions that could fight on their own was only ONE. In June we were told that there were THREE. What happened? The AP story doesn't say but it does note that the generals running the war confirmed the widely held view that many Iraqis view us as occupiers:

Both Abizaid and Casey said they did not want a large increase of U.S. forces in Iraq, in part because that would fuel the insurgency by reinforcing the perception among Iraqis of the Americans as occupiers.

A report from the United Arab Emirates claims that Al-Queda will be spreading to those states. The report states that Iraq war is the source of the problem:

Many of those who went to fight the Soviets (in Afghanistan) had left with their countries' blessing, and that didn't prevent them from turning against their countries. Which begs the question: What will it be like for those who ... are going to Iraq without their countries' approval and are accusing their nations of cooperating with the enemy?" it said.

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