Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I found this on an AOL message board:

It must come from posting on a daily basis. That's the only thing I can think of that keeps the Bush loyalists from jumping ship. They are still loyal to this administration out of pure habit.

They are so used to swimming upstream of reality that no matter what the scandal, no matter how strong the evidence, they still keep their Bush flags flying high.
It HAS to be because nary a day goes buy where they don't sign in and post post post. Excuse after excuse, spin after spin, apology after apology and lie after lie.It never gets boring and it never gets them down.

Not the incompetence that led to 9-11. Not the failed economy that turned a our first projected surplus in decades into the largest deficit in history. Not the job losses. Not the naked rampant cronyism. Not the lying our nation into a war. Not the needless bloodshed. Not the dereliction of duty. Not the out and out treason. Not the drunken spending.Not the incompetence that led to making Katrina a greater disaster than it needed to be. Not the never ending vacations. Not diverting homeland security funds into a party. Not the illegal propaganda that used our tax dollars to pay journalists to tout the party line. Not the smearing of war heroes. Not the unwillingness to practice what they preach. Not the out and out theft of tax payer money given to friends of this administration. Not the blind eye to Saudi Arabia for their evil doing while attacking Iraq for no definable reason. Not the ecological mess that this administration keeps contributing to. Not the shifting of the tax burden onto the middle and lower class. Not the male prostitute that was given carte blanch access to the White House without any identifiable credentials apart from being partisan in the extreme.

These people continue to forgive/forget/ignore the money laundering, voter fraud, constitution busting, decisiveness, war profiteering, hypocritical, gerrymandering, dishonesty and theft that are the hallmarks of this administration. It seems that nothing reality can throw at these people will ever get them to change their minds. I don't think these are stupid people. I don't think these are deaf and blind people. I think that what we have here are very stubborn people that are creatures of habit.

So abhorent is admitting that they were wrong or that others were right that they'll continue to weave elaborate tapestries of excuses so they can stay the course. These folks are addicted to Bush and his administration. Like junkies addicted to crack, they keep praising and making excuses out of habit. They need a daily fix of defending their misleader. I wonder when, like other addicts, they will finally hit rock bottom and have an epiphany? When will the moment of clarity come when they take an objective look in the mirror and say "my God, what have I become?" Roughly 70% of the country already knows what the other 30% refuses to accept. That 30% gets smaller every day.

Carl aka RobotFan

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