Sunday, January 22, 2006


When I started listening to Matt Drudge, he was going on and on about Google losing 8%-9% of it's stock value in one day and he additionally knocked James Kramer for speaking positively about the stock. This might be a little bit of sour grapes on the Eggman's part because Google News does not link to his site, as he was careful to mention. Eggman also stated that Google was "left-leaning."

Once he said that, I was wondering "why left-leaning?" and then I remembered that Google refused to obey a subpoena from the Feds to turn over some of it's search records. As the AP put it,

The government wants a list all requests entered into Google's search engine during an unspecified single week — a breakdown that could conceivably span tens of millions of queries. In addition, it seeks 1 million randomly selected Web addresses from various Google databases.

Voila! Disobey Pres. Fredo, get dissed by Drudge.

Hm, Drudge just claimed that a U.S. senator called him up and said that Osama might be living in Iran. (Cue Sonny & Cher: "and the beat goes on...")

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