Monday, January 16, 2006


It didn't take very long for some bloggers to go on the attack.

LGF: Uncle Walter joins the moonbats

WizBang: His comments on Iraq this weekend show him to be the tottering old fool that he is; and there's no one lining up to heap praise on a bitter old lefty...

Here are some lizardoid comments:


pegcity 1/15/2006 08:17PM PST

time for mother nature to take walter cronkite.
Why doesnt that old windbag die already.


visitorstay 1/15/2006 08:26PM PST

Cronkite is a LLL lackey. We must stay the course, victory is at hand. If we leave now, all of Iraq would erupt in a Civil War. Mllions of Sunni & Shia would be killed! President Bush and American patriots have made it clear we don't want that to happen.


freedomplow 1/15/2006 08:39PM PST

Cronkite, Murtha. Murtha, Cronkite. Same damn thing.


psaturn 1/15/2006 09:18PM PST

So he said that Vietnam was unwinnable....
The Viet Congs admitted if it wasn't for the treasonous acts of the American leftists, they would have surrendered to the Americans.


Robert Schwartz 1/16/2006 12:48AM PST

This one is in the category of what else is new. dudes been trying to undermine the USA since the late 60's.


stuiec 1/16/2006 01:06AM PST

It occurred to me the other day just why it was that an old World War II correspondent like Walter Cronkite could have been so "patriotic" about that war and so anti-patriotic about Vietnam and the War on Terror. Then it dawned on me: World War II was the Great Patriotic War defending the Motherland of Soviet Russia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey you fucking creep, maybe you should add some of the comments at DU and KOS to your site; that would make for an interesting comparison.