Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I've been pissed at Mr. Joementum since he wrote that WSJ op-ed that claimed everything was wonderful in Iraq. Via DKos, I found that the Yale Daily News has a succinct case against Joe:

But this race is about much more than Iraq. Just this past year, Lieberman voted to confirm John Roberts, and he voted against the filibuster of Samuel Alito LAW '75. He also voted for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who, as White House Counsel, called the Geneva Conventions "quaint" and was responsible for the legal justifications for torture at the Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay prisons. Lieberman's strong ties to industry left him standing alone as a Democrat willing to work on Bush's ultimately failed privatization of Social Security. And just this week, he refused to join an overwhelming majority of lawmakers from both parties in opposing the Bush administration's sale of administrative contracts for 21 ports to a company owned by the United Arab Emirates. Lieberman supported federal intervention in the Terry Schiavo case, voted to stop federal aid to public schools that used materials "supportive of homosexuality" and, in 2002, he presided over the confirmation hearings for Michael Brown, the supremely unqualified nominee for FEMA chief whom Lieberman wholeheartedly supported.

Via Atrios, I have learned that there is a serious primary challenger to Joe, Ned Lamont.


spazeboy said...
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spazeboy said...

Your readers can also find lots of Ned Lamont links, pictures, video, etc. at the Ned Lamont Resource that I maintain.