Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Insight Magazine is reporting that Cheney may resign after the mid-term elections because he has become a political liability to Fredo. There may be something to this because Insight is plugged into the conservative power structure. According to Source Watch,

Insight on the News is a national biweekly newsmagazine published in Washington D.C by the Washington Times Corp. On its website it describes states "as Newsweek is the sister publication of the Washington Post, Insight is the sister publication of the Washington Times".[1] (http://www.insightmag.com/main.cfm?include=detail&storyid=87139) Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church owns The Washington Times, UPI and Insight Magazine.

The magazine promoted Reagan's war in El Salvador, and attempted to smear the Salvadoran guerrillas or their political arm. It similarly promoted the Contras fighting against the Nicaraguan government. It also promoted several speaking tours of the leading Contra leaders and their Puebla Institute apologists.

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