Sunday, February 19, 2006


Emil Franzi has a radio show on the weekends and is a regular spouter of wingnut memes but he's not entirely wacked out. For those of you who aren't familiar with Tucson, one problem we face is barely planned growth that does not come close to paying for itself and Emil seems to grasp that, at least in a couple of his columns for the Tucson Weekly, the local alternate newspaper.

The Good Emil:

"Growth is obviously a financial loser for local governments." 7/29/99

"More people means more income to governments in the form of new taxpayers, but expenditures are not directly proportional to those new additions. It's skewed in the same way that the revenue sources and tax loopholes are skewed. Twice as many people don't make government cost twice as much, they make government cost more than twice as much. [snip] Those who make up the Growth Lobby and their allies cause the rest of us to pay more and more as we subsidize their role as tax consumers."

Emil also has column he puts out on his show's website and that's where I got these samples of the Bad Emil:

Comments: Best summation of the cartoon controversy I've seen
yet from the master analyst, VDH. EF

Ever notice that you see more liberals on FOX than you do conservatives on the networks?

The "VDH" referred to is Victor David Hanson, a well-known partisan hack, and no, Emil, we almost never see a liberal on FOX.

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