Thursday, February 09, 2006


I caught about 30 seconds of Shammity today and he was whining about the "liberal Republican senators" who won't go along with Fredo's Patriot Act. One of the liberals he mentioned was Sununu of NH and this induced another WTF? moment.

I looked up Sununu's ADA ratings for the years for the years 2002-2004. His average was 11.67% (100% == perfect liberal). For those same years, his caucus' average was 14.6%. Here are the yearly numbers:

2004 Sununu 10% Caucus 19.4%
2003 Sununu 15% Caucus 13.3%
2002 Sununu 10% Caucus 11.1%

The message from the wingnuts is clear: disagree with Fredo, you are automatically a liberal.

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