Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Hugh Hewitt had Michael Ware on and was continuing the blame the media game. The transcript and mp3 are here.

Tammy Bruce had Grover Norquist on her show and mentioned that she attends his Wednesday propaganda meetings. Of course, she didn't use the word "propaganda."

Grover said the replacement of Card by Bolten is no real change. Grover then said that the budget process during the Clinton years was better than what we have now because the bad spending ideas of both the Executive and the Legislature now get passed. In the Clinton years, the different parties in the House and White House served to act as a check on each other (This sounds like an argument to vote Democratic this November.) Grover wants to cut taxes, reign in the lawyers and cut spending. He thinks the Federal budget can be shrunk to 10% of GDP in the future.

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