Friday, April 14, 2006


I was reading LGF, looking for targets of opportunity, and I found a link to this loon. I couldn't resist adding my two, well several, cents on the post LGF linked to. The loon's comments are italicized and followed by my replies.

“They [the MSM] will claim that conditions prevent them from covering the war properly, or they can't get access,” Dollard tells Hollywood, Interrupted. “Bullshit. They don't have the balls to do the nasty dangerous work necessary to do the job right. But they want the glory, so they'll fake being in the know.”

Uh huh. How do you account for the deaths of 67 journalists and 24 support workers? The Flu?

But to employ a winning domestic political strategy without regard for the consequences to the American people, whose children will be slaughtered at the hands of ascendant Jihadists (among a series of other consequences ) is not only wrong, but just plain evil.

Please! Even our own generals admit that our presence is making things worse. The "jihadists" are a small fraction of the insurgents and will fade away once we withdraw.

(The only interaction I've ever had with an Iraqi hotel was when we blew one up.)

We had to destroy the hotel in order to save it.


the establishment of a successful democratic, capitalistic, and modernized society here

You're 1 for 3 here, pal, at best. Sharia law, state control of the oil fields and universal state-sponsored health care are part of the Iraqi consititution, so forget your delusions about democracy and capitalism.

This was from a wingnut commenter:

Soon the Iraqis will announce their unity government, al Sadr will be dealt with, the Iraqi security forces will take over, and the Coalition troops will come home, having completed their mission successfully, and the Arabs and socialists will squeak, "What happened?"

Soon, huh? That reminds me of something:
Monday, June 20, 2005
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The insurgency in Iraq is "in the last throes," Vice President Dick Cheney says, and he predicts that the fighting will end before the Bush administration leaves office.

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