Saturday, April 15, 2006



I began to be suspicious about Franks when he appeared several times on Hannity's shows on radio and TV. These suspicions hardened after I learned that Franks KNEW that the post-war "plan" for Iraq was a bad joke but didn't make a stink about it. From Woodward's book, Plan of Attack, page 413:

The Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance, initially headed by Jay Garner, was not made subordinate to Franks but was given equal status. Franks, with all the troops and experience, was not in charge. He did not argue or fight for it. “I have a war to fight,” he said many times. He believed he had pushed Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and General Myers on the postwar plans as much as he could, arguing that they could not just pay lip service to issues. He had said that the decisive combat operations would go very fast, that they needed to focus on the aftermath. But Rumsfeld and the others had been focused on the war.

Now, I have a little more evidence about St. Tommy (from AmericaBlog):

Tommy Franks, in Bob Woodward's book "Plan of Attack, page 281, commenting on Douglas Feith, the Pentagon's undersecretary for policy:

"I have to deal with the fucking stupidest guy on the face of the earth almost every day."

Tommy Franks tonight on MSNBC's "Hardball" TV show:

"I would put Doug Feith in a category as a brilliant man."

Then again, in all fairness to Franks, maybe he didn't lie tonight on Hardball. Maybe he lied to Woodward. Either way, so much for that man's character.

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