Saturday, May 13, 2006


Randi appeared on Larry King Live and smacked around the wingnuts.

UPDATE: Crooks & Liars has a video clip.

Here are some excerpts:


RHODES: What's your phone number, Dennis?
PRAGER: You want it?

RHODES: Yes, go ahead what's your phone number?

PRAGER: Well, the difference is...


RHODES: It's not private. You're thanking God. Give us your phone number.

PRAGER: Listen, Randi though sometimes...

RHODES: It's not private. Dennis, Dennis...

PRAGER: You are not a computer. I would give my...

RHODES: Give me your phone number.

PRAGER: No. See, Randi, that's not an -- that's not an intellectually honest argument. I am happy to have computers...

RHODES: What's your phone number?

SCHULTZ: But, Dennis it is a question of oversight.

PRAGER: ...monitor.

SCHULTZ: That's really where this issue is right now.

RHODES: See all of a sudden when it gets real personal it's not going to happen to you.

SCHULTZ: There's a lack of oversight. Dennis, I agree with you on the issue of having to do security...

RHODES: It's illegal. It's wrong.

FERGUSON: Listen, all right listen to me. After -- Randi, after 9/11 this started.

RHODES: Before 9/11, Ben.

FERGUSON: Randi, let me finish what I was going to say.

RHODES: Ben, do your homework young man, before 9/11 and let me tell you something right now.

FERGUSON: Here's the interesting thing. Democrats have been briefed on this program consistently.
RHODES: That's a lie.

RHODES: When the World Trade Center was bombed in 93 when Clinton was president for only a few months, you didn't see him turn around and blame George Bush Sr.

FERGUSON: No and he didn't do anything to fight terrorism either.

RHODES: He got Ramsey. They are sitting in federal prison.

FERGUSON: He didn't do anything to fight terrorism.

RHODES: I mean, what is wrong with you?

FERGUSON: He didn't fight terrorism. And this president has.

RHODES: Do your homework before you lie to people.


FERGUSON: Randi, I have friends in Iraq, OK?

RHODES: Listen, you should be in Iraq. You're 22. When I was 22, I was in the military. Why aren't you there?

FERGUSON: I'm 24 years old.

RHODES: Why aren't you there? Then go.

FERGUSON: And just because I support something doesn't mean I have to always go fight.

RHODES: You go. You go. Go ahead. You go and then you come back because you know what happens when we come back?

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