Saturday, May 13, 2006


The little fascist pig responded to my post:

16 - 5/13/06 03:24 AM (Msg Id: 455943:508965)

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>Substitute "Jew" for "leftist" and see what QUICK reminds you of.

You said that, I didn't. I didn't say Jew and I didn't mean Jew. I meant leftist. That includes progressives, socialists, communists, and their dupes, of any ethnic or religious mix under the sun. I'm not real fond of totalitarians, either. You see, I don't buy into the balkanization of America, dividing it along racial or ethnic or cultural boundaries. I believe in the melting pot.

I was pointing out the similarity between you and the Nazis. They also used scapegoats, including liberals, socialists, communists in addition to the Jews. You in fact are in favor of totalitarianism because you believe that you have Absolute Truth. Through the ages, this delusion has cost the lives of 100s of millions of innocent human beings.

Your remarks about balkanization seem beside the point.

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