Monday, May 15, 2006


I haven't visited my little pals at PoliPundit for a while so I am relieved to see their wingnuttiness hasn't decreased a bit. They are still prattling on about Iraqi document translations and seem to have fallen even deeper into wishful thinking. Jayson the Jenius agrees with LauraBot that the GOP shouldn't campaign on the amendment to ban gay marriage because the GOP has so many other outstanding strengths, like tax cuts for the rich. Left unexplained is what will motivate the Fundies to come out and vote but that's a minor detail in JaysonWorld.

Drummond the Dense tries to match JtJ but seems to have run out of new irrelevancies:

"George Walker Bush is not running for another term anyway, so whatever you think of the Job Approval numbers, you are wrong to pay them any more attention than you do a single day’s hockey scores."

Yup, that's why not a single Republican is worried about the Fall elections, DtD. It's more like 100 of them.

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