Sunday, May 14, 2006


From last week: In a discussion of the lastest NSA scandal, Shammity decried Rep. McDermott for taping Newt Gingrich. Of course, McDermott didn't tape Newt, other people did:

KWAME HOLMAN: There they were on December 21st, they said, driving from their home in Fort White, Florida, to do some Christmas shopping in nearby Lake City. They were listening to a police scanner John Martin had gotten for his birthday. Also, there was a small cassette tape recorder in the car.

JOHN MARTIN: We kind of record stupid jingles and stuff off the TV set--off the TV and off the radio in the car and--

KWAME HOLMAN: At the same time the Martins were on the road so was Congressman John Boehner, a top member of the House Republican leadership. He was driving through the Lake City area, the last leg of a trip from his home in Ohio, to Marco Island off of Florida's West Coast. But then Boehner pulled off the road and picked up his car phone to join a conference call.

ALICE MARTIN: I was excited. I mean, I was so excited to think that I actually heard a real politician's voice.

KWAME HOLMAN: The Martins picked up the call on the police scanner and after a few minutes began recording it.

JOHN MARTIN: We thought it was just a part of history really. I mean--

KWAME HOLMAN: Among those participating in the conference call with Boehner were Republican Majority Leader Dick Armey, Republican Whip Tom Delay, New York Congressman Bill Paxon, and House Speaker Newt Gingrich, discussing possible responses to Ethics Committee charges against Gingrich to be disclosed later that day.

From tonight: This is hilarious! Matt "The Eggman" Drudge is attacking Jason Leopold's story that Rove has been indicted.

Sludge decries the Left "making shit up" (Bill Maher to Ann Coulter) because it hurts the Internet, especially online "reporters" like himself. Drudge asserts that his source(s) assure him that Rove has not been indicted and to write otherwise is slander/libel and Leopold could/should be sued. What is odd is that Drudge goes over some of his past National Enquirer-style reporting and tries to say he was merely reporting on what's going on. I would think that he wouldn't want to mention his checkered past. Of course, if he's wrong, he said the White House lied to him!

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