Sunday, June 04, 2006


Mudville Gazette played WATB about the press coverage of Haditha and I decided to wade in and fight the lies and breath-taking ignorance of the commenters.

Here are some of the idiotic comments I responded to:

The enemy knows that there will be people like yourself that wants us to lose that will carry the ball for them.

The LA Times wrote an article saying we could not fault William Jefferson for the $900,000 he stole because he grew up poor.

Another was John Kerry's Winter Soldier smear as well as John Kerry's smear in front of Congress in 1971.

the enemy has a picture of John Kerry up in their museum as a tribute to him helping them win the war

I seem to recall that he [FDR] decided to attack Germany, not Japan.

And Germany never attacked us.

the picture was originally put up in the museum dedicated to supporters of Communist North Vietnam.

Or was in the day when lefties spit on the troops.

The North was ready to negotiate in '68 until they read the American newspaper reporrts. You could use an education. Read Giap.

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