Sunday, June 04, 2006


Sludge, of all people, decried the unfounded rumors being circulated by the Left, specifically the reports about an imminent Rove indictment and the Madsen report that Laura Bush has moved out of the WH because Fredo is having an affair with Condi Rice.

Sludge claimed that Gore's movie is doing poorly but doesn't mention the fact that it has a very limited rollout. As Atrios notes, it's only in 77 theaters, compared to the several thousand for other higher-grossing movies.

Sludge then slams a hip-hop version of the Scriptures and tries to claim that he really knows what "PHAT" means. Yup, a goofy, pasty white, middle-aged male homosexual is tuned into hip-hop culture.

One caller made an idiotic connection between Gore's movie and Brokeback Mountain. Another fool claimed that if the glaciers melted, the ocean level would not rise even one inch.

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