Saturday, September 30, 2006


What in hell does Sadie Fields mean by "liberal drift"? Correct grammar?

(From LexisNexis)

Cox News Service
September 27, 2006 Wednesday

One day after the Christian Coalition of Georgia announced it would go its own way, the president of the national organization on Tuesday said she'd establish a new state chapter with a new leader. Sadie Fields, the chairman of the Georgia group, said the split with the 17-year-old Christian Coalition of America was because of the national organization's liberal "drift." Three other states chapters - Alabama, Iowa and Ohio - have also left the once-powerful group founded by the Rev. Pat Robertson and organizer Ralph Reed.

Combs agreed that the coalition had begun broadening its agenda. "Family values reach beyond abortion and gay marriage," she said. But Combs said another reason for the breach with state chapters was the national organization's settlement last year of a lengthy dispute with the Internal Revenue Service over the group's tax-exempt status. Under the agreement, the national Christian Coalition - accused of having Republican leanings, and misrepresenting the positions of Democrats- agreed to allow candidates to write up to 25 words explaining their positions in the coalition's influential voter guides, which are sent to churches the Sunday before election. State chapters were told their voter guides would also be subject to the new guidelines, and would have to be approved by the national coalition.

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