Wednesday, February 07, 2007


A caller to Foamer's (Mark Levin) made a great comment: he told Foamer that he was the male Ann Coulter!

WW complained that we still don't have enough people who can do translations from Arabic more than 5 years after 9-11. Gee, who's been the President over those years???

WW also went to the defense of 2 Border Patrol agents who are in prison for shooting at an illegal alien and trying to cover-up the shooting. The wingnuts want them pardoned and this situation is getting to be a very difficult one for Pres. Fredo (McClatchy Washington Bureau, 2/7/2007):

Reps. Walter Jones, R-N.C., and Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., blasted President Bush for not intervening in the case, with Rohrabacher hinting that he would consider pressing for impeachment if either of the two agents was killed in prison.

"The president has lost my respect because he will not step forward and do what's right," Jones said.

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