Tuesday, February 06, 2007


WW was going all moist today because it was the anniversary of Raygun's birthday. Hannity began claiming he was a "Raygun" conservative months ago when it was finally sinking in that Fredo was an unpopular President and I think WW is finally getting with the Flight from Fredo program. For those of you who have forgotten or don't know the wonders of Raygun's Reign, David Corn has a nice summary.

WW also tried to play the Fear Card to garner support for the Iraq War but I think normal people just aren't buying "suitcase nuke" scenarios as a justification for this immoral and illegal war. Worse, she seems to think that a purely military solution will work.

Foamer attacked Ari Fleischer for his testimony at Libby the Liar's trial and tried to make the case that both the judge and the prosecutor are "out of control."

Tammy the Shrill is also on board the Global Warming Denialist Bus.

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