Monday, February 05, 2007


(Via Atrios --> Nitpicker)

Some little shit attending the National Review Institute's Conservative Summit actually called McCain a traitor:

(Transcript from Lexis-Nexis, audio at NPR)

LIASSON: Like most of the activists at the National Review Summit, Shuman says he wants a candidate who takes a back-to-basics approach to onservatism; someone who can help Republicans return to their roots of smaller government, lower taxes, a tough approach to the war on terror, and of course he wants someone who can win. Shuman says he's open to any of the leading candidates - John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, Romney. But Damian Harvey(ph) says he's ruled out one of the early frontrunners already. Harvey, who calls himself a Limbaugh conservative, says he could never vote for John McCain.

Mr. DAMIAN HARVEY: He's a traitor and I can't stand him. And I've watched for the last six years him stick a knife in W's back and then slowly twist it on a lot of different issues.

Although I'm not a fan of McCain, nonetheless I think Mr. Harvey badly needs a "blanket party."

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