Friday, April 20, 2007


The wingnuts are going after Harry Reid so it's time to look at what other ADULTS have had to say about Iraq. John Aravosis at AMERICAblog has some good quotes and here's another one I think you will savor.

(Via ThinkProgress)

Victory Is Not an Option
The Mission Can't Be Accomplished -- It's Time for a New Strategy
By William E. Odom

Sunday, February 11, 2007; B01

The first and most critical step is to recognize that fighting on now simply prolongs our losses and blocks the way to a new strategy. Getting out of Iraq is the pre-condition for creating new strategic options. Withdrawal will take away the conditions that allow our enemies in the region to enjoy our pain.

William E. Odom, a retired Army lieutenant general, was head of Army intelligence and director of the National Security Agency under Ronald Reagan. He served on the National Security Council staff under Jimmy Carter. A West Point graduate with a PhD from Columbia, Odom teaches at Yale and is a fellow of the Hudson Institute.

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