Saturday, April 14, 2007


These are from his Thursday, April 12th show:

OLBERMANN: Well, if you—as you recognize, the marketplace and the idea of, oh, the advertisers got him. The advertisers are just sort of a refraction of public opinion anyway, so there‘s—there is something still self-regulating about a marketing in those place (ph). But how does that apply to the big guys in this, the people whose language or racism or sexism or just tone was seemingly grandfathered in, much the way Don Imus‘s was? What about Limbaugh, O‘Reilly, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage? Any change anticipated in any of those areas?

J. MAX ROBINS, EDITOR IN CHIEF, “BROADCASTING AND CABLE” MAGAZINE: I think we should all listen closely and see. I mean, I—and I got to think that they are going to be scrutinized a lot more closely today than they were 48 hours ago.


OLBERMANN: All right, then I‘ll ask you the $10 million question, how does Rush Limbaugh or Michael Savage get away with worse than what Don Imus said?

SEDER: I‘ll tell you (INAUDIBLE) -- well, I think one, there‘s a certain expectation that they‘re going to hear it more from Limbaugh, although, you know, he and—Dick Cheney was on his program several weeks ago. I listened in to Limbaugh today, and he‘s already warning his audience that they‘re going to be coming for Limbaugh next. And I think, frankly, he‘s got to be a little bit worried now, because the bar has just been raised.

I mean, corporations have said, We‘re not going to tolerate this anymore. And the next time Limbaugh slips up, and which I think is inevitable, I think you‘re going to see the sort of same type of reaction.

OLBERMANN: The best thing I‘ve heard in a couple of days.

SEDER: I hope so.

OLBERMANN: From your lips to God‘s ears.

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