Saturday, April 14, 2007


I wrote below that the Imus scandal has Fats Limbaugh worried and he's not the only one. Last night, Mark "Foamer" Levin said he'd rather quit radio rather than temper his comments. Apparently reacting to this recent statement by Keith Olbermann,

OLBERMANN: All right, then I‘ll ask you the $10 million question, how does Rush Limbaugh or Michael Savage get away with worse than what Don Imus said?

Foamer played an audio clip of Keith Olbermann FROM 1998 saying that FACIALLY Ken Starr reminds him of Heinrich Himmler. Foamer was upset and was attempting to equate this with the ugliness Imus spouted but I'm pretty sure that gambit won't work.

First of all, I do think there is a resemblance:

Secondly, unlike Imus, Keith doesn't have a well-documented history of nasty comments.

That won't stop these clowns from trying to get to Keith. For example, Huge Ego Hewitt mentioned Keith's statement about Ken Starr in his Friday column for ClownHall and went on to claim that Keith is jealous of Fats Limbaugh. Huge Ego went on to claim that "Those who cross the line into cruelty are, sadly, out of kilter with the good" and that Fats was one of the good guys. MediaMatters has a good collection of abhorrent quotes from not only Fats but several other commentators that Huge Ego approves of, such as O'Reilly and Beck.

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