Friday, April 13, 2007


Writing about the bombing in the cafeteria of the Iraqi Parliament, Richard Miniter, on assignment for Pajamas Media, lets a little reality creep in:

As I hustled into my clothes, one marine called to another in the bivouac: “Was that another mortar?” “That was no mortar,” the other said.

At first, no one could decide who was in charge: the U.S. military, the Iraqi police who actually guard the members of parliament, or the men from Triple Canopy, a private security company based near Dulles Airport in Virginia.

No one here has any confidence in Iraqi security, which is responsible for maintaining security around the convention center.

It is unlikely that the bomber acted alone. He would need help to penetrate several layers of security to get inside the Green Zone. The question that hung in the air: Was his accomplice among the sweating suits being escorted out or was he one of the guards?

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