Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Delusion, that's what's at the very core of these freakshows. Melanie Morgan, head lying bitch at Move America Forward, was on Hardball, 5/25/07, and showed us one again how far removed these "conservatives" are from reality.

MATTHEWS: OK. Let me go back to Melanie.
Melanie, thank you.
Let me ask you about this number we just showed, this new poll number that showed that more than three-quarters, 76 percent, of Americans, in this latest poll, think the surge has either done no good or caused more trouble for us.
MORGAN: Well, of course, that comes from “The New York Times.” And “The New York Times” is notoriously slanted and biased in its coverage, and tries to make news.
MATTHEWS: You think their polling is—do you think—do you think their polling is slanted?

Yes Chris, she's telling you that any poll that doesn't support her positions must be slanted. That's SOP with wingnuts.

MORGAN: You‘re right, character counts. And we know that under Bill and Hillary Clinton‘s watch in the White House, terrorism was allowed to go unchecked and unresponded to, which is why we had September 11th. That‘s what counts.

This is a VERY popular argument with the lunatic fringe that is a big part of the GOP's base. I guess they have forgotten this "inconvenient truth":

Presidential Daily Briefing
bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US
August 6, 2001

GREEN: Bill Clinton didn‘t invade the wrong country and lead to more terrorism.

MORGAN: And neither did George W. Bush.

Where are the WMD, Melanie?

MORGAN: Two and a half to three years, I think it‘s deeply unfair, grossly unfair. This was an entirely manufactured scandal in Washington, D.C. Like Fred Thompson, I think this man has been rail roaded.
MATTHEWS: So, you disagree with the jury?
MORGAN: Absolutely I disagree with the jury. Valerie Plame was never a covert agent.

So not only was Plame not covert at the time, she was never covert!!! Melanie is a terrific liar.

UPDATE: Crooks & Liars has more on this wackjob.

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