Friday, May 25, 2007


A clown on AOL linked to this fool and I thought you might like to have a few yucks:

Send in the Clowns
By Paul Walfield
May 3, 2003

The Left was wrong about everything. ... The New York Times, the Nation magazine, "intellectuals," academics from Ivy League universities were all wrong and all were liberals.

In the war with Iraq, the press, Democrats, celebrities, academics and retired generals who followed that proposition were shown to be foolish at best. The ideals of the sixties, based on the proposition that the government lies and deceives as a matter of policy, were never correct.

Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean told CNN on April 23, 2003, that he did not believe the Iraqis were better off without Saddam, "We don't know that yet. We don't know that yet, Wolf. We still have a country whose capital city is mostly without electricity. We have tumultuous occasions in the south where there is no clear governance. We have a major city without clear governance. We don't know yet, and until we do..."

The folks who bash America and make dismal predictions about America's military interventions were shown to be wrong in virtually every instance. In a word, they are clowns, without any credibility. And they have another name: liberals.

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