Friday, May 25, 2007


Andrew Sullivan catches some of 100%-pure Jeebus nuttiness on James Dobson's radio show. Sullivan's link is wrong but the loon, Rosenberg, was on these two shows (1, 2). Here are excerpts from the transcript Sullivan provided:

Rosenberg: ... I think what is most exciting in the Middle East is a story the media is missing: that in the last 30 years in Iran, there are now more than one million Muslims who have converted to faith in Christianity in Iran. If that's not evidence that we are living in the last days, I don't know what is.

Dobson: Well Joel, let's explain to everybody how Ezekiel 38 turns out because Israel is about to be attacked and a huge number of troops from Russia and Iran are coming toward Israel to destroy it and what happens?

Rosenberg: ...And given the events going on in our world today, people at the Pentagon, people at the CIA, people at the White House are asking to sit down and talk about these issues, to understand the Biblical perspective, because it is uncanny what is happening out there and it deserves some study.

If anyone at the CIA, the Pentagon or the White House gave this clown even one minute of time, he should be fired. Poking around the Focus on the Family site, I found the predictable lineup of villains:

The ACLU vs. America
Exposing the Agenda to Redefine Moral Values

Alan Sears & Craig Osten

It's outrageous. They've waged war for eight decades as religious censors—with scarcely a whimper of protest from most Americans and with major media support. They oppose parents who want to raise their children with faith and values. They oppose churches' rights to proclaim the uncensored Word of God. The ACLU threatens your way of life. Learn how to preserve your freedom and protect future generations.

The Evolution Set

Unlocking the Mystery of Life is a compelling documentary presenting solid evidence — even at the cellular level — for intelligent, purposeful design in living beings. Icons of Evolution uses engaging interviews with scientific experts to reveal glaring flaws in Darwin's assumptions and data — and the scientific facts that refute them.

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