Friday, June 08, 2007


(from the News Hounds)

Bill never mentions Richard Mellon Scaife funding newsmax, cult leader Roy Masters funding Talk Radio Network or the Coors family funding wackjobs but always talks about "smear machine"

This Masters fellow has a show on KZPT, the new local wingnut radio station, and I just thought he was some kind of New Age goofball but he's much worse. Here's a sample of his hateful thinking:

As with so many other forms of aberrant behavior, we are dealing with victims in denial; it is always who they are. ... The problem is that the homosexual denial of their collective guilt has formed into a dangerous political power to convince the world that criticism of homosexuality is racist. ... The entire gay movement is waging a dangerous cultural war that will have disastrous consequences. ... Better to upset the socio-political structure and change how the world sees them rather than face their deformed selves.

Conwebwatch has this on the radio network angle:

Masters founded (and until 2003, was president of) talk-show syndicator Talk Radio Network -- responsible for conservative radio hosts such as Michael Savage, Laura Ingraham and Tammy Bruce, as well as new acquisition Mancow; Masters has his own TRN-syndicated show as well. The FHU is officially TRN's owner, Masters' son, Mark, is now president.

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