Friday, June 08, 2007


Fox News Hounds picked up on BOR's lie about the NY Times and in the comments, there's great pair of tidbits about the ostensive deinition of "far-left":


Billo actually read an email from someone wondering why, if he's an independent, he has only rigtwingers--Kasich and Malkin--filling in for him.

He lamely replied that Kasich is a moderate. Could have fooled me. But then added that doing the Factor is a very complex task and Kasich and Malkin understand how to do it. Is he implying that folks like Juan Williams, Bob Beckel, and Kirsten Powers are too stupid to do the Factor? (Or to smart?)
latichever | 06.07.07 - 7:01 pm | #


Now we can measure BORe's and Faux's concept of "moderate." Kasich has lifetime American Conservative Union rating of 86%.

Everyone who has less than 70% is "far-left".
Foggg | 06.08.07 - 9:44 am | #

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