Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Fats Limbaugh has often claimed that he is something like 98% correct and that has been proven by independent auditors. Yesterday he backed away from that preposterous claim:

RUSH: (Laughing.) That's from June 4th. I had not heard him say it. (interruption) Well, twice I've been wrong in an hour. Brian, you little smart aleck in there, but you got a point. I have been wrong. But, see, you miss the point. My facts and fact presentation is not audited, it's my opinions that are audited. And it's opinions, when you're right about opinions, that's what counts. There are too many opportunities to make the factual mistakes with people like you telling me things that are wrong that I don't check out and repeat and then I have to correct it and take the heat for it. So this will not affect my accuracy rating at all because these errors were not errors of opinion.

This reminded me of Hannity dropping his "solemn vow" to tell the truth.

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