Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Picture credit:Paul Hosefros/The New York Times
Picture Caption:President Ronald Reagan and Representative Romano L. Mazzoli of Kentucky shook hands in 1986 at the signing of the immigration law.

The movement conservatives have been slowly moving away from Pres. Fredo for quite some time.Well over a year ago, Sean Hannity began re-packaging himself as a "Reagan conservative" and tonight I heard Foamer Levin repeat some of his favorite Raygun quotes. Foamer forgot this little gem from 1986:

’86 Law Looms Over Immigration Fight
Published: June 12, 2007
NY Times

WASHINGTON, June 11 — When President Bush goes to Capitol Hill on Tuesday to push for revival of a comprehensive immigration bill, he will have to wrestle with the ghost of a 1986 law that promised to solve the problem of illegal immigration.

In signing the 1986 measure into law, President Ronald Reagan said, “Future generations of Americans will be thankful for our efforts to humanely regain control of our borders.”

There are at least 66 other things that should be repeated weekly, if not daily, about this icon of the extreme Right in addition to debunking many of the claims made for him, such as "Reagan won the Cold War."

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