Friday, June 08, 2007


Moralistic Medved was trying downplay the evolution question asked of GOP candidates because evolution isn't a pressing national issue. A caller pointed out that if a candidate is anti-empirical, then we can't trust him to make rational choices and gave the Iraq War as an example. MM went on to say that there are "evidential reasons" to believe in Intelligent Design. Apparently MM believes Behe and even he had him on the show last week.

MM had Sen. Kyl on and apparently MM wasn't opposed to the immigration bill, unlike his gasbag brethren. Kyl still wants to pass the bill and said that the GOP senators will come up with a list of proposed amendments and give them to Sen. Reid.

MM went on to viciously attack Sen. Edwards. He claimed the "reptilian John Edwards" has a "forked tongue" and is "against truth, against decency."

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