Friday, June 15, 2007


Rusty Humphries has had Aaron Klein, a reporter for World Net Daily, on his show several times and last night they discussed Hamas recent takeover of the Gaza Strip. On previous shows, I wondered how Klein got interviews with supposedly high-ranking terrorist officials. At least one of these officials is bogus, according to ConWebWatch:

For instance, Jihad Jaara, who Klein describes as "a senior member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades" living in exile in Ireland -- Klein doesn't explain how Jaara can be an active "senior terrorist leader" and live nowhere near the Middle East -- is quoted here as saying, "Of course Americans should vote Democrat," But Jarra did a cozy sit-down interview with Klein and radio host Rusty Humphries that aired in January; Klein did a separate interview with Jarra in which he asked if the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades "used pages of the Bible as toilet paper" during a 2002 siege of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

(Humphries is a player in the synergistic relationship between WND and radio mogul and alleged cult leader Roy Masters. Humphries' radio show is syndicated by Masters' Talk Radio Network; Klein regularly appears on it -- in fact, he appeared on Humphries' Nov. 2 show to plug his terrorists-endorse-Democrats article -- and
in May, WND gave Humphries a weekly column.)

The connection between Humphries and the WND crazies seems fairly strong:

Farah rips Sean Penn on Rusty Humphries tonight
Wednesday, March 28, 2007 -- WND Editor Joseph Farah will be a guest tonight on Rusty Humphries' nationally syndicated radio show to discuss his column focusing on the hideous, secret sk ...

Aaron Klein on Rusty Humphries show tonight
Tuesday, March 27, 2007 -- WND Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein will be a guest tonight on Rusty Humphries' nationally syndicated radio show to discuss his article in which the U.S.- ...

Farah on Rusty Humphries show tonight
Tuesday, January 23, 2007 -- Joseph Farah, WND editor and co-founder and a daily columnist, will be a guest tonight on Rusty Humphries' nationally syndicated radio show to analyze Preside ...

Aaron Klein on national Rusty Humphries show
Wednesday, January 10, 2007 -- WND Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein will be a guest tonight on Rusty Humphries' nationally syndicated radio show to discuss his article in which senior Hamas ...

Aaron Klein to discuss Hussein's hanging
Saturday, December 30, 2006 -- WND Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein will be a guest tonight on Rusty Humphries' nationally syndicated radio show to discuss the hanging earlier today of former Iraqi dic ...

The sin of indifference
Monday, December 18, 2006 by Rusty Humphries -- "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." It's an old joke, but, on the other hand, so is John Kerry. This past weekend, Sen. Kerry met with American and British troops in Iraq. He claims it helped clear his thoughts about what needs to ...

Monday, December 11, 2006 by Rusty Humphries -- Are you a "denier"? Currently, the most popular use of that word is in the phrase, "global warming denier." As far as I can tell, "deniers" are, in reality, people who would be open to all scientific explanations of planetary climatic ch ...

Aaron Klein on Rusty Humphries show
Monday, December 11, 2006 -- WND Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein will be a guest today on Rusty Humphries' nationally syndicated radio show to discuss his article in which Hamas lea ...

Aaron Klein on national 'Rusty Humphries Show'
Wednesday, December 6, 2006 -- WorldNetDaily's Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein will be a guest today on Rusty Humphries' nationally syndicated radio show to discuss the latest events in the Middle East, including the repercussions of the ...

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