Friday, July 27, 2007


I've heard radio wingnuts defend the deploymeny extensions and the rapid rotations back to Iraq by saying "Well, they signed up!" They never say that it's Pres. Fredo's fault. This fellow below takes this defense a giant step further and blames the troops:

This is from a House Armed Services Committee hearing:

Rep. Nancy Boyda (KS-02):

“And finally, I would just like to share a story. When I was speaking back at home with one of a very right wing conservative talk show hosts and after, thank God, after we were off the air, I said something that I assumed he would agree with and I just said ‘you know, I’m really worried about these guys and gals, but mainly guys, that have gone, that they’ve been redeployed now three and four times’ — he came back to me and said ‘you know what, they should have thought about that before they enlisted, before they signed up.’ He said ‘it’s their fault.’

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