Friday, July 27, 2007


Crooks & Liars has a clip and transcript of Rep. Watt questioning FBI Director Mueller about the Ashcroft Hospital visit by Gonzales and Card. Mueller said Mr. Comey's statements were correct. So, that's 2 witnesses who have testified under oath about the highly unusual visit, both contradicting Abu Al Gonzales.

WATT: …Can you just give us…I won’t program what he said…I’d rather hear what you have to say about that whole sequence of events.

MUELLER: I don’t dispute what Mr. Comey said in terms of receiving a call, requesting I -by going to the hospital and alerting persons that Mr. Comey wanted to be present during any conversations had with the Attorney General.

WATT: And he further says he that the President met with you and after that meeting emerged and informed Mr. Comey that the President had authorized the program that had been sought by the Justice Department, can you confirm that’s correct also?

MUELLER: I don’t dispute what Mr. Comey says.[..]

WATT: Can you confirm that you had some serious reservations about the warrantless wiretapping program that kind of led up to this?


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