Thursday, July 26, 2007


I guess Jerry Doyle isn't a complete wingnut. Last night, he pointed out that Randy Weaver, of Ruby Ridge fame, showed up at the house of the New Hampshire couple, Ed and Elaine Brown, who are refusing to pay their back taxes because they think the Federal income tax is illegal. Doyle wonder "where do nuts like Weaver get their information?" and then used INSIGHT magazine as an example. INSIGHT is published by the right-wing Washington Times and is chock-full of agit-prop and Doyle mentioned an article by Col. "Buzz" Patterson. Patterson, the freakshow who thought we had already or nearly won the Iraq War 2 years ago, has a new scurrilous claim about a Democrat. This time, he's accusing Rep. Henry Waxman of treason:

Waxman alleged to have helped Iraqi insurgents
A leading Democratic House member has been accused of supporting a U.S. radical organization alleged to have aided the Sunni insurgency in Iraq.

If you want to know how trashy INSIGHT really is, just read what one of its endorsers has to say:

"Insight is an important part of my show preparation-good journalism and exclusive articles my audience cares about."

- Sean Hannity, host of the Sean Hannity Show

Stephen Hayes was a guest on Brian and the Judge, and did not correct Brian when Brian claimed that Cheney wanted to keep Rumsfeld on after the 2006 elections.

On a purely cultural note, Slots Bennett deplored the upcoming Iraq war movies from Hollywood because they aren't supporting his war whore agenda.

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