Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Leila Fadel of McClatchy Newspapers had an hour long interview with Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki and I was surprised by this assertion:

MALIKI: [snip] I confirm that the positive development in the security situation is owed to national reconciliation much more than to our security forces or coalition troops. Some would want to hide this fact, but it is a fact not to be hidden.

FADEL: That is the opposite of what the U.S. ambassador said to reporters last week. It is the opposite of what a lot of Sunni politicians are saying right now.

MALIKI: Why is Anbar in the shape it is in today if it weren't for the reconciliation and the bonds between myself and the Anbar tribes, before the relationship formed between Anbar tribes and Coalition forces? Daily people visit me from the tribes in response to the call to national
reconciliation and unity — and from all governorates.

From what I've read about the Sunnis change of heart, Maliki had nothing to dowith it.

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