Sunday, August 19, 2007


We know that the Sunni tribes began shifting allegiances toward the U.S. well before the Surge was even announced but Rove is trying to peddle the lie that it is due to the Surge. According to Anthony Cordesman, the Surge seems successful ONLY because the Sunnis decided to move against Al Qaeda.

Here's Rove on Meet the Press, 8/19/2007:

MR. ROVE: Think about a year ago. We had the leader of the Democratic Party in the Senate say Anbar province is gone, the war is lost. And today we know from every report that Anbar province, because of the—this president saying, “Let us implement a new strategy that will deal with this issue,” that Anbar province has made a tremendous turnaround, where the Sunni tribesmen have aligned themselves with the central government and have turned on the, on the, on the, on al-Qaeda and, and the terrorists. So, yes, OK, fine, judge us by our performance.

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