Thursday, September 27, 2007


MediaMatters catches Pigboy (Mike Malloy's term) Limbaugh attacking ALL the anti-war troops. Here's the relevant part of the transcript:

CALLER 2: No, it's not, and what's really funny is, they never talk to real soldiers. They like to pull these soldiers that come up out of the blue and talk to the media.
LIMBAUGH: The phony soldiers.
CALLER 2: The phony soldiers. If you talk to a real soldier
, they are proud to serve. They want to be over in Iraq. They understand their sacrifice, and they're willing to sacrifice for their country.

John Soltz, Co-Founder and Chair of, wrote a great rebuttal to Fats in the Huffington Post. Here's a part I especially liked:
Finally, as Media Matters notes, just recently, members of the 82nd Airborne in Iraq wrote a New York Times op-ed, very critical of the course in Iraq, and suggesting it was time to figure out the exit strategy. Two of them just died. Will Rush call up their grieving parents and tell them that they should stop crying, because they were just "phony soldiers?"

Fats has attacked our troops before and has done so with impunity. For example, he attacked Paul Hackett, an anti-war soldier, because Fats thought civil affairs officers aren't real soldiers and accused Hackett of "running a fraudulent, deceptive campaign."

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