Sunday, September 23, 2007


Matt Bai in the NY Times writes that MoveOn is not part of the mainstream, as shown by its ad critizing Gen. PR Petraeus:

The president himself dove in Thursday, denouncing MoveOn from the White House podium, while, on the same day, Senate Republicans forced a vote on a resolution to condemn the group, hoping to trap the party’s presidential aspirants between their own primary voters and the rest of America.

It's not MoveOn that's out of the step with the "rest of America," it's Matt Bai:

Poll: Petraeus recommendations tough sell to Americans
By Bill Schneider
CNN Senior Political Analyst
September 10, 2007

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Do Americans trust the top U.S. military commander in Iraq to report what's really going on without making the situation sound better than it is?

In a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll last month, Americans were asked that very question. Fifty-three percent said they did not trust Gen. David Petraeus' report.

A USA Today-Gallup poll asked the public again this month whether they thought Petraeus' report would be independent and objective. Again, 53 percent did not.

Asked whether the troop increase is succeeding in improving conditions and ending violence in Iraq, 54 percent of those polled said it's not, according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Monday.

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