Sunday, September 23, 2007


Glenn Greenwald notes that Michael Ledeen, perhaps the craziest of the "mainstream" war whores, attacked Gen. Abizaid for asserting that a nuclear armed Iran was not in fact a sign of the Second Coming. Glenn writes:

So Gen. Abizaid, who "failed" in his mission, also "suppressed" the "copious evidence" of Iranian involvement in Iraq. That sounds like Ledeen is accusing General Abizaid of being less than honest -- how else can one characterize someone who "suppresses" evidence? -- and that, as we learned this week, is not allowed. The Commander-in-Chief just explained this morning that such attacks are "disgusting" and constitute attacks on The Troops Themselves.

I noticed that Bill Kristol can play this game too. In a opinion piece in the Weekly Standard that attacks Hillary and MoveOn, he makes this alarming claim:
Bush needs to prevent others in his own administration--generals (and some civilian leaders) who have given up on the war, or who are jealous of Petraeus, or both--from undermining Petraeus's efforts and Bush's strategy in various subtle ways, which, judging from reports from within the Pentagon, is not a trivial danger.

Billy isn't limiting himself to one general or one civilian, he seems to be referring to "a conspiracy so immense" that one doubts how much longer the Republic will last.

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